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LUBC Head North for Rutherford Head

The club headed to the Tyne last weekend to compete in Rutherford Head. Raced over 4500m in tough conditions, it was an important event in the race calender for LUBC.

As Division 1 began, conditions were cold but generally favourable. Our Men's 8+ and Women's 4+ were the first to head out. The Women's 4+ had a good race, coming in 3rd in their category with a time of 23:08.9. The Men's 8+ however, had a less fortunate time. A seat breakage in the last 1500m meant they had to finish the race rowing in sixes. They weren't downhearted though, coming off the water saying that it was the best they'd rowed as a crew until disaster struck!

After a quick lunch, the Women's 8+ and Men's 4+ boated for Division 2. The Men's 4+ had a strong race, coming in 4th in their category with a time of 18:58.9. They felt the row was good but that the wind conditions affected them more than they would've liked. The Women's 8+ were equally happy with their race. The boat was mainly made up of new starters at Liverpool University this academic year, so it was a wonderful opportunity for them to race as a crew for the first time!

Overall, it was a wonderful day out and good practise of racing on a tidal river in testing conditions. We now look forward the coming weekend when we will head to White Rose Head in York.

Full results available here.

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