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The Last Race of 2017: White Rose Head.

This weekend, we travelled further North again and raced at a LUBC favourite, White Rose Head. We had a lot to prove, considering our feature in the British Rowing article last year (, but none-the-less, we were very excited to race on the Ouse.

Division 1 was raced by the Novice Men’s and Senior Women’s 8s, as well as a 4+, 4x, and 4- from the Senior Men. Victory was taken by the Novice Men, with their hard work having paid off in a triumphant row. The Men’s quad also took home gold, as well as being the first boat over the finish line in the day of racing, which was a nice extra. The Senior Women came second to Leeds Uni BC, a deserving winner.

After a quick carb load and a power nap in the back of the minibuses, boating for Division 2 commenced. This time, we raced a Senior Women’s 4+, Senior Men’s 8+, Novice Women’s 8+ and two Senior Women’s 4x. The Senior Women’s Coxed Four flew down the course coming out with 1st Place, with a pretty impressive lead on the following crew, the boat was made up of four BUCS Indoors medallists, so it was bound to be beastly! The Novice Women also medalled in this division, putting both of our Novice crews on top! Hannah Carter, our VP and Men's Squad Cox dropped the strings and picked up two blades and stepped in last minute to compete in a Women's Quad. It was a great end to racing in 2017.

Our athletes are looking forward to resting for a bit following two weeks of hard racing, with great racing all round from each crew we've entered. Thanks to the University of York BC and all the volunteers for running the event. Also, a big thank you to Andy Brown for towing our boats for us!

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